From the series:  On Mission and Empowered

God and our big decisions

Sunday, April 23, 2023 by Andrew Ruiz – Acts 1:12-26

About the Series

When Jesus resurrected he instructed his followers two things: You have a mission and you have the power to complete it. 2000 years later that mission is still alive and his Holy Spirit enables us to be the hands and feet of Jesus

Lesson Plan

  • English
  • Español

Main Idea

Do you ever wonder about God’s will for your life? Have you ever asked God to make it crystal clear what He wants you to do? I think we all do and the first church did also. In this message we will see how the disciples were able to see God’s will for their life.

Acts 1:12-26

12 Then they returned to Jerusalem from the mount called Olivet, which is near Jerusalem, a Sabbath day’s journey away. 13 And when they had entered, they went up to the upper room, where they were staying, Peter and John and James and Andrew, Philip and Thomas, Bartholomew and Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus and Simon the Zealot and Judas the son of James. 14 All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.[a]

15 In those days Peter stood up among the brothers (the company of persons was in all about 120) and said, 16 “Brothers, the Scripture had to be fulfilled, which the Holy Spirit spoke beforehand by the mouth of David concerning Judas, who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus. 17 For he was numbered among us and was allotted his share in this ministry.” 18 (Now this man acquired a field with the reward of his wickedness, and falling headlong[b] he burst open in the middle and all his bowels gushed out. 19 And it became known to all the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the field was called in their own language Akeldama, that is, Field of Blood.) 20 “For it is written in the Book of Psalms,

“‘May his camp become desolate,
    and let there be no one to dwell in it’;


“‘Let another take his office.’

21 So one of the men who have accompanied us during all the time that the Lord Jesus went in and out among us, 22 beginning from the baptism of John until the day when he was taken up from us—one of these men must become with us a witness to his resurrection.” 23 And they put forward two, Joseph called Barsabbas, who was also called Justus, and Matthias. 24 And they prayed and said, “You, Lord, who know the hearts of all, show which one of these two you have chosen25 to take the place in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas turned aside to go to his own place.” 26 And they cast lots for them, and the lot fell on Matthias, and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.

Proverbs 16:33

The lot is cast into the lap,
    but its every decision is from the Lord.

Discussion Questions

  • Growing up how did your family make big decisions? What are some big decisions that they made that impacted your life?
  • What is a big decision you have made? the best decision so far?
  • Read Acts 1:12-26 What stands out or think back to the sermon. Was there an idea or expression that spoke to you, or was there anything said that challenged or confused you?
  • What is the first thing Jesus’s followers did after returning to Jerusalem? What do we learn about the importance of prayer and decision-making from this passage?
  • What can make it difficult to trust God with a big decision?
  • In Acts 1:15, Peter takes charge and guides Jesus’ followers in selecting a replacement for Judas, He stands up and shares scripture with them – This is the same Peter that denied Jesus a few weeks earlier. What does this tell us about God’s willingness to use flawed individuals like Peter to lead His church? And how can we apply this to our own lives, recognizing that God is willing to use us to positively impact others?
  • Do you find yourself hesitating or making excuses to decline something that God is calling you to do? If the answer is yes, what specifically is it that you are hesitant about, and how can your Life Group provide support and encouragement to help you take that step?
  • What would it look like for you to prayerfully wait on the Lord in your current circumstances? How might you involve your Life Group in this process be helpful?

Verse to Memorize:

Make your motions and cast your votes,
    but God has the final say.

Proverbs 16:33 (MSG)

Idea Principal

¿Alguna vez te has preguntado acerca de la voluntad de Dios para tu vida? ¿Alguna vez le has pedido a Dios que te aclare lo que quiere que hagas? Creo que todos lo hacemos y la primera iglesia también lo hizo. En este mensaje veremos cómo los discípulos pudieron ver la voluntad de Dios para su vida.

Preguntas de Discusión:

  • ¿Cómo tomaba decisiones importantes tu familia mientras crecías? ¿Cuáles fueron algunas decisiones importantes que tomaron y que impactaron tu vida?
  • ¿Cuál ha sido la decisión más importante que has tomado hasta ahora?
  • Lee Hechos 1:12-26. ¿Qué te llamó la atención del pasaje o qué idea o expresión del sermón te habló o desafió? ¿Hubo algo que te confundió?
  • ¿Qué fue lo primero que hicieron los seguidores de Jesús después de regresar a Jerusalén? ¿Qué podemos aprender acerca de la importancia de la oración y la toma de decisiones en este pasaje?
  • ¿Qué cosas pueden dificultar confiar en Dios en una decisión importante?
  • En Hechos 1:15, Pedro toma la iniciativa y guía a los seguidores de Jesús en la selección de un reemplazo para Judas, comparte las Escrituras con ellos, a pesar de haber negado a Jesús unas semanas antes. ¿Qué nos dice esto acerca de la disposición de Dios de usar a personas imperfectas como Pedro para liderar su iglesia? ¿Y cómo podemos aplicarlo a nuestras propias vidas, reconociendo que Dios está dispuesto a usarnos para impactar positivamente a otros?
  • ¿Te encuentras vacilando o haciendo excusas para rechazar algo a lo que Dios te está llamando? Si la respuesta es sí, ¿en qué específicamente estás vacilando y cómo puede tu grupo de vida brindarte apoyo y aliento para dar ese paso?
  • ¿Cómo se vería esperar en oración al Señor en tus circunstancias actuales? ¿Cómo podrías involucrar a tu grupo de vida en este proceso y ser de ayuda?


Versículo para memorizar:

La suerte se echa en el regazo;

Mas de Jehová es la decisión de ella.

Proverbios 16:33

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  • Take a look around

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  • Money, Money, Money

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  • Back To The Original

    June 18, 2023 Andrew Ruiz Message 9 of 12
  • No Other Way

    June 11, 2023 Andrew Ruiz Message 8 of 12
  • How to Hear Truth And Not Get Offended

    June 08, 2023 Andrew Ruiz Message 7 of 12
  • Closer Than You Think

    May 28, 2023 Andrew Ruiz Message 6 of 12
  • Light a Fire

    May 21, 2023 Andrew Ruiz Message 5 of 12
  • It’s never too late for God to use you

    May 14, 2023 Andrew Ruiz Message 4 of 12
  • You don’t need an umbrella

    April 30, 2023 Andrew Ruiz Message 3 of 12
  • God and our big decisions

    Currently Playing
  • Don’t Look Up

    April 16, 2023 Andrew Ruiz Message 1 of 12
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